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Provided for sale is an affordable bronze grave marker that is indentical to what is provided to a veteran. Shipping is included.
The flat bronze grave marker is 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and has a 3/4 inch rise. The weight is about 19 pounds. Anchor bolts, nuts and washers (all hardware comes with the bronze marker) are used to attach the bronze plaque to a 28" x 16" concrete or granite base (concrete and granite not included). Spouse's and family members of veterans order flat bronze grave markers from Rome Monument that match the free headstones for veterans. Rome Monument sells, designs, manufactures and installs copies of Government-furnished headstones and bronze niche markers that honor wives, spouses and companions of U.S. military veterans. Rome Monument also designs and manufactures custom U.S. military headstones and memorials for veterans. Click here to download VA Form 40-1330, Claim For Standard Government Headstone or Marker. As a side note, the VA also furnishes bronze medallions, upon request, to be affixed to an existing, privately purchased headstone or marker to signify the deceased status as a Veteran. This device is furnished in lieu of a traditional Government headstone or marker for Veterans who served on or after Apr. 6, 1917, and whose grave in a private cemetery is marked with a privately purchased headstone or marker. For more information on ordering a bronze or granite grave marker that matches the design of veterans grave marker or U.S. Military headstone for a veteran, spouse or dependent, click here.
No returns accepted and nothing can be cast on the memorial once drawing is approved.
Buy a bronze grave marker for sale online or near you from $825+ from Rome Monument, here. 2025